Rogaia Blog

Umbria Jazz Festival. Photo: Steve McCurry
Umbria Jazz Festival. Photo: Steve McCurry

Umbria Jazz Festival July 12 to 21, 2024

Every year in July Jazz fans from all over the world flock to Umbria to celebrate the "Umbria Jazz Festival" in the historical town center of Perugia.

Also this year the list of performers from the international jazz and pop world is impressive.

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Bagno Vignoni
Bagno Vignoni

Wild hot springs - the nymph baths of southern Tuscany

Especially in winter it is a special experience to bathe in hot springs in the middle of the forest - of course only if you like it natural and can do without showers and changing rooms once in a while.

Around the Monte Amiata in southern Tuscany you will find such hidden "nymph baths" in many places, but also the only place in the world whose central square has consisted of a swimming pool with warm water since medieval times: Bagno Vignoni.

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Why we support "Doctors without Borders"

Some of you may ask why we support "Doctors without Borders".

The answer is simple:

We are convinced that each of us must take responsibility for ensuring that all human beings live a decent life. We had already committed ourselves to this mission long before we founded La Rogaia.

It was only a logical consequence that we continue this through our company.

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Umbrian picnic in spring

La Rogaia: A spring picnic in the countryside

La Rogaia is still waiting to welcome guests again. Over Easter we will inevitably have our green hill in Umbria to ourselves, but we hope to have new guests from May onwards!

The spring-like weather inspired us to have a picnic, in anticipation of the enjoyable life in the great outdoors in the warm months.


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Deeply relaxed while dancing tango

In the summer of 1999, shortly after we started the tango holiday weeks in La Rogaia, we also gave courses for local people interested in tango.

In our courses we started with a short introduction to Argentine tango and our concept of relaxed tango dancing.

But then something stranged happened...

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Pera cotta

Recipes from La Rogaia: Risotto alle rape rosse - Beetroot-Risotto

For today's Valentine's Day, Amira has cooked a risotto in the color of love - with beetroot and red onions from the garden and with red wine.

Decorated with a heart of cheese sauce, this dish shows that the way to the heart is through the stomach ...

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The first tango morning - where on earth has this guy gone?

We can hardly believe it ourselves, but in 2021 we will actually be holding tango courses in La Rogaia in the 23rd year.

So many difficulties and not even the COVID19 pandemic have stopped us from going on! We look back on many wonderful courses with great teachers and participants.
Here are our memories of the first tango morning in La Rogaia.

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Pera cotta

Recipes from La Rogaia: Pere cotte - Baked pears in red wine

Even after Christmas, baked apples with cinnamon and raisins taste wonderful, for example on cold winter evenings in front of the fireplace.

Today we have an Umbrian variant with pears for you, of course another recipe from Mamma Ornella, prepared and photographed by Amira.

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Anna & Luigi. Foto: Michele Benigni

Longing for togetherness

Experiencing beautiful things together with others has become difficult for all of us in times of Corona - also and especially for tango dancers.

It only made us more aware of what is important to us about dancing tango.

Here are our thoughts on this:

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Happy New Year and a Big Thank You


A piece of blue sky and even a few rays of sun - finally.

At th end of a difficult year we want to do mainly one thing:
We want to say Thank you!

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