Important information about La Rogaia

A few things you should know about Villa La Rogaia


The vast majority of our guests are enthusiastic about Villa La Rogaia and we often hear that we have created a little paradise here.
We want our guests to feel comfortable in Villa La Rogaia and to have a lovely, relaxing holiday.

The prerequisite for this is that you are clear about what La Rogaia is and what it is not. Neither you nor we will feel comfortable if your holiday does not match what you expected.

We presuppose that you read the information on this page carefully.
It is, if you will, the small print, though it is not small print at all, but easy to read and hopefully to understand.

Before you book with us, in the booking form you will be asked whether you have read and understood the information on this page. You can only book if you agree to this.

As soon as we have confirmed your booking, your consent to this information is a legally binding part of the rental agreement or course confirmation you have concluded with us.

So, that was the formal introduction. Let's get to the individual information.


La Rogaia is in the middle of nature: Stillness

Aurora Butterfly
Aurora Butterfly. Photo: Thijs van Veen

This also means that there is much to discover here. That you can see animals and plants that you can not find anywhere else. And you have the opportunity to enjoy the silence of a remote country place.

However, if you are in a constant hustle and bustle, La Rogaia is probably not the right place for you.

La Rogaia is ideal for children. As I said, there is much to discover, and adventure in nature to experience.

However, if you are convinced that your children need constant animation, or that nature is simply dull and boring, and if you are not ready to embrace something new and unknown, then La Rogaia is probably not the right place for you.

La Rogaia is in the middle of nature: Animals

Foxes at La Rogaia
Foxes at La Rogaia

That means that there is wild life around. We get visited by deers, fallow deers, foxes, wild boars, badgers and goats. You can already meet our foxes in a blog post.

The foxes were born and grew up in La Rogaia, they are semi-domesticated and do not suffer from rabies. In addition, they are dewormed every 2 months, together with our cats.

Wild animals are fascinating and beautiful to look at, but they are very rarely clean and leave their "traces" on our property.
This is normal part of life in the country and no reason to complain.

The same is also true for the singing of nightingales and the call of owls, as well as, for example,   the chirping of crickets and cicadas in summer.

If you think now that it is nonsensical to feel disturbed by birds singing, we share your opinion. We have not yet heard something of the kind from our own guests, but we know that some of our colleagues had to listen to bitter complaints already...

We also cannot rule out that during your stay you will see spiders or - very rarely - a scorpion. In all the years that we have guests in our house, no one has ever been stung by a scorpion. And even if this should happen one day: The bite of a Mediterranean scorpion is harmless and corresponds to a wasp bite.

In the vicinity of La Rogaia live also snakes, especially ring snakes, which are very useful (and harmless) animals. Although there are vipers in Umbria and Tuscany, we have never seen one in La Rogaia.

Nevertheless, if you are suffering from a snake or spider phobia or are afraid of insects and other small animals, La Rogaia is not the right place for you.

La Rogaia is in the middle of nature: Driveway

Gravel road leading to La Rogaia
Gravel road leading to La Rogaia

If you are very keen on having an espresso in walking distance at the local bar, restaurant or pizzeria, without using your car, La Rogaia is probably not the right place for you.

The nearest village, Castel Rigone, is 4 kilometers away. It takes about 45 minutes to walk there.

As a driveway, La Rogaia has a country-like gravel road, a so-called "Vicinale" (you could translate that with "neighborhood road").

This also applies to many other agriturismi and country houses in Italy. It is prohibited by law to tar these gravel roads in order not to seal the soil.

"Vicinali" are theoretically maintained by all residents. In practice, however, the work remains dependent on those who need it most, while all others are exercising themselves with respectable restraint, and rarely, if ever, contribute to maintaining the road.

The notoriously poor town administrations do not feel obliged to do anything either. However, the "Vicinali" are by no means private roads. Everyone can use them and hence wear them off.

Even though these gravel roads may be unfamiliar to some, they are not dangerous at all and accidents hardly ever happen.


If you arrive by car: Please read this important information

Villa La Rogaia is surrounded by nature, 4 km away from the nearest village, Castel Rigone. The last 2.5 km to our house are a gravel road. This might be unusual for some of our guests. However in comparison to driving on a motorway it is the safest part of your trip.

Nevertheless some might find it adventurous or even dangerous to drive on a gravel road.

The fact is that the last "accident" on our access road was at least 20 years ago when one of our guests had touched a negligently parked car of our heighbours on the side of the road.

Our access road is not suitable for very long or wide motorhomes, for motorcycles (except enduro or cross motorcycles) and for extremey low-slung cars.

All other cars can drive on our road without any problems.

Some of our guests come year after year with their sports cars, such as Porsches and Jaguars

However, if the thought of driving a short distance along a gravel road through the Umbrian hills causes you significant discomfort, causes members of your family to cry hysterically, or if the thought of possibly having to swerve to avoid an oncoming car on such a gravel road sends you into a panic, La Rogaia is probably not the right holiday destination for you.


Find more about our road HERE

La Rogaia is in the middle of nature: Where we are

Villa La Rogaia is not situated by the sea! Umbria is the only region of Italy which has no access to the sea (apart from the regions in the Alps of course).

The Villa La Rogaia is not located directly at the shore of Lake Trasimeno, but in the hills above the lake. We belong to the municipality of Passignano sul Trasimeno. Passignano has several districts, of which only the main town, Passignano sul Trasimeno, is located directly at the lake. Our village is Castel Rigone, originally an independent village, which was incorporated at the beginning of the last century.


Please see HERE the exact position of Villa La Rogaia

View from La Rogaia at sunset
View from La Rogaia at sunset

Let´s talk about the weather

Garden La Rogaia in August
Garten La Rogaia im August

Unfortunately we have no influence on the weather.

It can get really hot in summer. In July and August the maximum average temperature is just under 28 ° Celsius. But temperatures around 35 ° Celsius are not uncommon, and in some summers the thermometer occasionally rises        to 40 ° Celsius.

For those who want to escape the Nordic cold and soak up the sun, this is wonderful.

However, if you suffer from high temperatures, you shouldn't go to Umbria in July and August.

In addition, it is often very dry in July and August. We don't have unlimited water supplies from our wells to keep our flower garden and lawns green all year round. If you want to experience La Rogaia in lush greenery and lavish flowers, you have to come to us from April to June and from mid-September to November.

On the other hand, it can of course also happen that in the other months, if rarely, it rains more or is fresher than a sun-seeker would have liked.

As we said, we have no influence on the weather, neither one or the other is a reason for complaint, and therefore also no reason to cancel the trip.

Please understand that we will not give any financial or other compensation if you cancel your trip because the weather conditions do not meet your expectations.

Holidays with people with physical or mental disabilities

If you are travelling with family members or friends with physical or mental disabilities, you should definitely talk to us in advance of the trip to clarify whether La Rogaia meets your expectations and needs.

This is especially true if someone only has seemingly slight limitations, overestimates the own abilities and assumes that he or she can move around our premises completely independently without the help of relatives or friends.

Even if you are travelling with older people, for example your elderly parents, you should definitely clarify in advance whether the apartment you have chosen meets their needs.

In most cases we have the possibility of arranging things so that people with physical disabilities have a pleasant stay with us.

However, we need to know this in advance.

Detailed information about disabled-friendly holidays in La Rogaia

A few words about notions and perceptions

On our website we provide information about Villa La Rogaia as detailed and realistic as possible.

We are familiar with many other websites of holiday providers and can therefore say in good conscience that not many websites offer a comparably detailed level of information.

Nevertheless, it does happen, although fortunately not very often, that one or other of our guests, despite detailed information, cannot really imagine something, has perceived something in a way different to how it is actually described on our website and is then faced with an unexpected reality here.

We regret this, but also say very clearly that we are not responsible for the subjective notions and perceptions of other people.

We are also not responsible if someone for whatever reason, does not take note of the information we provide before booking a holiday at Villa La Rogaia.

For us as a company it is not subjective notions and perceptions that are relevant, but objective facts.

Therefore, please understand that we do not accept any complaints that are based on subjective notions and perceptions or on insufficient information and resulting incorrect claims.

Another important point before you book

Do you already have travel cancellation insurance?

We expressly recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance.
You can take out this insurance online, for example at 
As an organizer, we always try our best to re-allocate the booked apartment or course place - and we are convinced that all other reputable organizers do the same.
Unfortunately, this does not always work.
Please understand that as an organizer, we cannot cover all of our guests' private risks.
If you already have travel cancellation insurance, everything is fine and you do not need to read any further.
If you do not yet have travel cancellation insurance, or do not want to take out travel cancellation insurance, you expressly agree with your booking that if we are unable to re-allocate your apartment or course place to someone else, you waive any refund that goes beyond the refund stated in our cancellation conditions.