Hearing of the Italian region of "Tuscany"one immediately thinks of feasting with good food and wine:Bruschetta appetizers andChianti wine,Acquacotta soupandwild boarham,Cantuccicookies andVinSanto. When travelling in Tuscany you can be pretty sure to get something delicious to eat whereever you go.However, there aredifferences,andthebest places to eatare often hidden. And they are not necessarilywheremost the most touristsgo. Inthe last 15 yearsmany atripwith guestsorwith the family has led us toneighboring SouthernTuscany. Sowedo not want to withhold ourtastiestculinarydiscoveries.
On Friday November 20 we took the last load of olives to the oil mill and got our delicious, deep green, new olive oil. The mild November wheather has blessed the olive pickers with days full of sunshine. Of course it is much more fun to pick olives or to take a rest on the mint scented meadows under the trees when the sun is shining. But already a day later the winter came to Umbria ...
Doing something creative in your holidays and taking home a selfmade piece of art - that would be it! But of course the whole thing should not turn out to be work. After all, you're on your well-deserved vacation. At La Rogaia you can combine perfectly both creativity and enjoyable recreation. During the course "Sculpting and Dolce Vita in Umbria" with the artist Wolfgang Sandt you will get individual guidance and support for your artistic project. You will stay in one of our stylish apartments and can enjoy our lovely garden with pool. And you will be spoilt ... with delicious homemade food and in top-restaurants in our area. You do not have to worry about anything and can concentrate fully on your creative work!
Zucchini and egg plant fresh from the grill, decorated with sweet ripe Pachino tomatoes and seasoned with extra virgin olive oil. Simple recipe, fantastic taste!
Tuscany and Umbria are famous for their culinary treasures: truffles, salami and prosciutto, legumes and the famous olive oil. Of course you can try to find all these hidden treasures on your own. But wouldn ’t it be much easier if someone helps you, takes you by the hand and shows you places the average tourist hardly ever will find? Have a look at our new "Full immersion culinary weeks" in spring and fall 2016!
Thesecond half of Julyisrich in events in Passignano sul Trasimeno.
Firstthe"PaliodellBarche",the traditionalboat raceon LakeTrasimeno.It is celebrated with lots of food music and historical races for a whole week.Then at the end of Julythe"FestadeiBarbari"in our villageCastel Rigone,a wildspectacle thatleads backto the timeof the Goths.Andthe"TrasimenoBluesFestival"withgreatconcertsevery nightinPassignanoand inother villagesaround the lake.
Due to popular demandwe haveaddedanother cooking classfrom September 12 to19, 2015toour program.Let yourself be enchantedbyOrnella'scuisineandher Mediterraneantemperament...